


a. Discuss the differences between the Grammar Translation Approach and the Direct Approach.


The target learners are young men in wealthy families in the Grammar translation approach, but anyone who wants to know another culture in the world can be a learner in the direct approach. The former approach puts importance on the great books in Latin and Greek, but the latter approach puts importance on being immersed in daily activities like a baby learning his or her mother tongue. Teachers who favor the grammar-translation approach make students translate a book into the students’ first language and translate it back to the original language the students are learning. On the other hand, teachers who prefer the direct approach let the learners play a leading role in their learning progress with a variety of verbal exposures. The grammar-translation approach places more emphasis on writing and reading than on speaking and listening, but the direct approach emphasizes speaking and listening.


b. Which approach most closely aligns with your current teaching style?


The grammar-translation approach closely aligns with my current teaching style. I think the direct approach is more desirable for learners aged under 12 than the grammar-translation approach. The students in my class are between 13 and 19 years old, so their reading comprehension ability and writing skills are very important in their school curriculum. the techniques derived from the grammar-translation approach are very useful when I teach my students. Especially reading comprehension questions and filling in the blanks and writing compositions help my students get a better grade in their exams.



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