
TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and TESOL strategies refer to a variety of teaching techniques and approaches that are used to help learners acquire English language skills. Here are some of the principal TESOL strategies:

  1. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): This approach focuses on teaching language in context, with an emphasis on communication and interaction between learners. CLT emphasizes the use of authentic materials and real-life situations to promote language learning.
  2. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): This approach involves teaching language through tasks that simulate real-life situations. Learners work together to complete tasks, which require the use of language to achieve the task objective.
  3. Content-Based Instruction (CBI): This approach involves teaching language through subject matter content, such as science or social studies. CBI integrates language instruction with the teaching of subject matter, making language learning more meaningful and relevant.

  4. Grammar-Translation Method: This is a traditional approach to language teaching that focuses on teaching     grammar and vocabulary through translation exercises. This approach is less communicative and interactive than the other strategies listed above.

5. Audio-Lingual Method: This is another traditional approach to language teaching that emphasizes the memorization and repetition of language patterns through drills and exercises. This approach is less communicative and interactive than the other strategies listed above.

It's worth noting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to TESOL, and different strategies may be more effective for different learners and contexts. Effective TESOL strategies should be flexible, adaptable, and tailored to the needs of the learners.


It's difficult to predict the future of cram schools in Korea, as it will depend on a variety of factors such as the development and adoption of AI technology, cultural attitudes towards education, and changes in the job market. However, it's worth noting that AI technology is still in its early stages, and it is unlikely to completely replace human teachers in the near future.

While AI technology can be effective in providing personalized learning experiences and automated feedback, it may not be able to replace the nuanced and dynamic interactions between human teachers and students. For example, human teachers can provide emotional support, respond to questions and feedback, and create a sense of community in the classroom that may be difficult to replicate with AI technology.

Furthermore, in many cultures, there is a strong preference for in-person, face-to-face instruction and a belief that human interaction is essential for effective learning. This preference may continue to drive demand for human teachers in the future, even as AI technology advances.

In summary, while AI technology may have some impact on the demand for human teachers in cram schools, it is unlikely to completely replace them. It is more likely that AI technology will be used to supplement and enhance human teaching, rather than replace it entirely.


Teaching English reading to high school students can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies that you can use to help make the process more effective and engaging. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with assessment: Before beginning any instruction, it's important to assess the current reading level of your students. This will help you understand their strengths and weaknesses and tailor your instruction accordingly.
  2. Use a variety of texts: High school students have a wide range of interests and reading abilities, so it's important to provide them with a variety of texts to read. This can include fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and news articles.
  3. Encourage active reading: Encourage students to actively engage with the text by highlighting or underlining key ideas, making notes in the margins, and asking questions. This can help them better understand the material and retain more information.
  4. Scaffold instruction: Use scaffolding techniques to help students work through difficult texts. This can include providing vocabulary lists, graphic organizers, and guiding questions to help students understand the material.
  5. Focus on reading comprehension: Reading comprehension is a critical skill for high school students, so be sure to teach strategies for identifying and understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and author's purpose.
  1. Incorporate technology: High school students are often highly proficient with technology, so consider using online resources, audio books, and other digital tools to help engage them with the material.
  2. Provide opportunities for discussion: Encourage students to discuss the text with each other, either in small groups or as a whole class. This can help them better understand the material and also develop their critical thinking and communication skills.

Overall, teaching English reading to high school students requires a combination of effective instruction, active engagement, and a variety of resources to meet the diverse needs of students.


넷플릭스로 영한자막 깔고 영어공부하기. 

넷플릭스로 다중언어자막 이용하기

요즘은 와챠, 넷플릭스 뭐 요런걸로 문화생활 많이들 하시죠. 

저도 이 두 가지 다 가입해서 쓰고 있는데 넷플릭스로 영한자막 동시에 보면서 공부하는 기능을 알게 되어서 소개해드립니다.


크롬 웹스토어에 들어가서

Language Learning with Netflix 라는 확장프로그램을 깝니다.

이미 사용자수가 어마무시하네요. 이리 좋은 걸 나만 몰랐어 ㅜㅜㅜ

캡쳐를 하니 저작권 문제로 화면은 저렇게 흑색으로 보이지만 실제로는 잘 나와요.

영어자막, 한글자막 다 나오고

오른쪽에 영어자막만 구간별로 나와서 클릭해서 돌아갈 수 있구요.

A S D 키, 또는 방향키로 구간 이동 가능하고 심지어 대본 카피도 가능합니다!

완전 신세계 ㅜㅜ

옛날부터 이런 툴이 있었다면 진작에 바이링구얼 되었을지도요. 

완전 강추강추하는 확장프로그램입니다!!

접근법 목적 내용(컨텐츠) 테크닉 
Comprehension approach 의미를 명확히 하는 것을 돕기  (인풋의 의미를 알수있도록 돕기)

학습자가 자신감을 충분히 가져서 말로 내뱉을 수 있도록 하기
책상, 시계같은 교실의 물건들을 사용

사진같은 시각 자료 활용

관찰가능한 액션 사용(앉기. 서기 등)

언어의 덩어리
명령어 사용

일련의 순서를 가진 활동

역할 바꾸기 (학생이 선생님이 되도록)
Communicative approach 학습자가 새로운 문화와 그 나라를 사랑하도록 하는 것

사람들 사이를 연결하기

흥미로운 주제를 가진 레벨 북

4대 영역을 포함한 책

authentic materials 이용
information gap 사용
language game
role play
타겟 언어를 사용할 수 있는 액티비티들

a. Discuss the differences between the Comprehension Approach and the Communicative Approach.

The comprehension approach emphasizes the process of learning a language as a baby does. This concept is similar to the direct approach, suggesting that learners need to have some time to get enough input before they can output the target language. Listening to a target language and lowering the effective filter is a very important key in this concept.

b. Which approach most closely aligns with your current teaching style?

To be honest, neither concept is consistent with my teaching style. But the communicative approach is closer to my style because I can't afford to give enough listening periods to my students whose main interest is just to get a good grade in their exams. To make my students engaged in learning, I try a lot of strategies using authentic materials, language games, role play, information gaps, etc. I use interesting leveled books, of course. Studying TESOL is one of my endeavors to make sure that I keep track of new and effective teaching techniques. I feel burdened to satisfy all my students that have different purposes and aims


The communicative Approach (1970-1980)


Authentic materials





a. Explain why you agree or disagree with the Cognitive Approach.


I disagree with the cognitive approach. this approach was derived from not learners but researchers' lab, which makes me feel like this approach is not interested in learners as a human being. Most researchers were not teachers at that time, they must not have known about the real teaching and learning circumstances. If a student makes some grammar errors, what a teacher has to do is just to teach the rule of grammar. If the errors are repetitive, the teacher teaches the rules repetitively! From this point of view, if you can make your students practice language rules repeatedly, you don't need a teacher's teaching skills, and it seems that anyone can teach. This view overlooks the fact that in real-life classrooms the teacher's energetic energy, thorough class strategy, and a motivational word have a great influence on learning.

b. Explain why you agree or disagree with the Affective Humanistic Approach.

I agree with the affective humanistic approach. unfortunately, my students are not young enough to have enough time to learn from using this approach, but if my class consists of younger learners, I will apply this strategy in full measure to my class. I have had many experiences of not being able to speak English properly because of the fear of mistakes. It seems the most natural and ideal way to provide the learner with the most comfortable environment possible and not to be afraid of making mistakes, which leads to immerse himself comfortably in language learning. It will require more time and effort from teachers to prepare for aromas, music, art, and various activities, but from a learner's point of view, it seems that he can learn the language joyfully without stress. Can there be anyone who doesn't want to learn in this way?


c. What techniques can you apply in your classroom that align with your preferred approach?

I can apply the positive reinforcement technique in my class. In fact, I often meet students who hate making mistakes, and I don't get surprised, irritated, or upset when they are wrong. When students' mistakes were treated as if they were not a big deal, the students became more tolerant of their mistakes and were more comfortable with speaking a language that they were learning. Also, I can apply the multiple concerts technique, too. I think this technique is good for improving listening skills, English writing, and grammar skills altogether naturally.



Affective-human approach의 techniques

Positive reinforcement

긍정적 강화를 통해 학습자로 하여금 틀려도 되는 '리스크'를 기꺼이 감수하도록 하고

편안함을 통해 실수를 두려워하지 않도록 만든다.

그렇게 함으로써 학습자는 두려움 없이 언어 학습에 몰두할 수 있게 된다. 

multiple concerts (multiple reading)

학습할 리딩 지문이 주어지면 첫번째는 클래식 음악의 리듬과 억양처럼 연습

두번째는 보통 속도로 대화문을 듣고 그 후 필기하도록 지도

세번째는 필기한 것의 개요를 완성하도록 지도

-> 한번에 다 알아듣지 않아도 되며 반복적인 노력으로 학습이 이루어질 수 있음을 암시 


모든 학습자가 남들 앞에서 역할극 하는 것을 좋아하는 것이 아니므로

한 팀은 스크립트 짜기, 한 팀은 공연하기 식으로 역할을 분담하는 것도 한가지 아이디어.





a. Discuss the differences between the Grammar Translation Approach and the Direct Approach.


The target learners are young men in wealthy families in the Grammar translation approach, but anyone who wants to know another culture in the world can be a learner in the direct approach. The former approach puts importance on the great books in Latin and Greek, but the latter approach puts importance on being immersed in daily activities like a baby learning his or her mother tongue. Teachers who favor the grammar-translation approach make students translate a book into the students’ first language and translate it back to the original language the students are learning. On the other hand, teachers who prefer the direct approach let the learners play a leading role in their learning progress with a variety of verbal exposures. The grammar-translation approach places more emphasis on writing and reading than on speaking and listening, but the direct approach emphasizes speaking and listening.


b. Which approach most closely aligns with your current teaching style?


The grammar-translation approach closely aligns with my current teaching style. I think the direct approach is more desirable for learners aged under 12 than the grammar-translation approach. The students in my class are between 13 and 19 years old, so their reading comprehension ability and writing skills are very important in their school curriculum. the techniques derived from the grammar-translation approach are very useful when I teach my students. Especially reading comprehension questions and filling in the blanks and writing compositions help my students get a better grade in their exams.



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